Keyless Biometric Authentication


Keyless Biometric Authentication


Privacy-preserving multi-factor authentication with facial biometrics

Keyless provides privacy-preserving biometric authentication solutions for both consumer (Azure Active Directory B2C) and workforce authentication (EntraID), protecting banks, fintechs, and large enterprises globally from account takeover fraud, identity theft, and non-compliance risks.

Available to businesses via an in-app SDK integration or via the external Keyless Authenticator App, users can authenticate themselves with a glance using any device with a front-facing camera. Instead of relying on SMS OTPs, passwords, PINs, or call centers, users can prove their identity against their original verification image in under 300 milliseconds with facial biometrics. This provides a level of identity assurance beyond traditional authentication.

Keyless facial biometrics protect users and employees across the user journey.

  • Step-Up Authentication: Replacing or complementing weak SMS OTPs with facial biometrics.
  • Account Recovery: Reducing reliance on costly call centers.
  • Payments: Achieving PSD2 SCA compliance with built-in dynamic linking.
  • Shared Devices: Allowing multiple employees to authenticate on shared devices.

Uniquely, Keyless does not store biometric data anywhere, meaning that there is no risk to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Thanks to our pioneering Zero-Knowledge Biometrics™ (ZKB) technology, biometric data is not stored on the device or in the cloud. This is a unique, groundbreaking approach to biometric authentication that provides a level of privacy previously thought impossible.

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