LAB3 Security Operations Centre (MXDR)

LAB3 Solutions

LAB3 Security Operations Centre (MXDR)

LAB3 Solutions

Australian owned and managed LAB3 Advanced Security Services, providing 24x7 security coverage. Dedicated Incident Detection Response team responsible for enriching data, providing attribution to incidents for smarter automated protection.

With dependence on technology increasing, the requirement for comprehensive/total visibility on your security posture is becoming more important than ever.

Knowing you have active and passive defence working together providing insight and intelligent automated protection, reduces your threat vector exposure and increases your governance and security intelligence.

LAB3 with Microsoft have you covered leveraging LAB3 Security Operations Centre. Running 24x7 located in Australia, we are eyes on glass all day and night to provide protection over your environment. LAB3 ensures your active and passive defence configurations are optimised and provides additional investigation and hunting for anomalous activity.

In addition, LAB3 CTEye Threat Intelligence provides attribution with over 400K live Indicator of Compromise (IOC) added daily to enrich the data and provide important insight.


  • Data remains in your organisation's tenancy
  • Security Platform Management for daily tuning and remediation activities
  • Incident Detection and Response for active and passive defence
  • Homogenous platform, aggregating all Microsoft Security solutions under one umbrella
  • Swift integrations with pre-defined architectures and deployment methods
  • Extend compliance requirements above the Microsoft standard with our deployments aligning to Information Security Manual (ISM) by Australian Signals Directorate (ASD)
  • LAB3 has achieved Advanced Threat Microsoft Advanced Specialisation
  • LAB3 is a Microsoft Intelligent Security Association Member


  • Managed from customers tenancy ensuring data remains with the customer
  • Initial Investigation into the existing environment to identify any gaps
  • Uplift to meet LAB3 Security Standards
  • Integration into customer ITSM
  • 24x7 Live Dashboards for Platform Management and Incident Detection Response Teams
  • Ongoing consultation reports providing analysis of environment and recommendations

LAB3 Services

  • LAB3 Security Operations Center - Incident Detection and Response
  • LAB3 CTEye - Threat Intelligence
  • LAB3 Sentinel-as-Code - Azure Sentinel SIEM Life Cycle Management

Platform Managed Services and Life-cycle Management

  • Business Apps: Microsoft Defender for Office 365
  • Data; Purview Information Protect, Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Endpoint; Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
  • Cloud Apps; Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Cloud; Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Identity; Microsoft Defender for Identity
  • Cloud Identity; Azure Active Directory
  • Cloud Network; DDoS and Azure WAF
  • Intelligence; Microsoft Sentinel