Legalcluster Power of Attorney

Legalcluster by Seville More Hélory

Legalcluster Power of Attorney

Legalcluster by Seville More Hélory

Manage your Chain of power of attorney efficiently and at scale

Poor management of chains of POA exposes your employees and your organization to major risks:

  • Civil and criminal risks: in the absence of a valid delegation, the associated liability becomes uncertain and remains ultimately attached to the company manager
  • Financial and business risks: The people who hire the company do not have the power to do so. Contracts can be called into question, unless the apparent mandate is opposed to you...

However, the more sophisticated and scalable your organization is, the more complex and tedious the management of your chains of delegation becomes, involving a growing number of stakeholders.

With "POA by Legalcluster"

  • Make your employees' lives easier by giving them more autonomy
  • Create your delegations easily from your organization repositories and document templates
  • Centralize validation and signing workflows and processes
  • Manage your delegation chains
  • Centralize data
  • Share data with those who need it
  • Ensure data management at a strategic level

Best for:

You're a large enterprise, headquartered in Europe, deployed across different countries facing large volume of power of attorney.

You must make sure people and business are secured. You must streamline, centralize and report large volume of data and workflows, across all levels of your organization, to enhance auditability, transparency, data governance, business intelligence and risk management,

You want a solution that people will use because it makes their life easier and brings value to their work, versus being a burden, with the maximum ROI for the organization

POA by Legalcluster is the solution you need.

Accessible to all, based on collaboration, user centric, Legalcluster is designed to provide each organization’s member with easy access to proper people, data, workflows, services and reporting capacities, to perform his job with ease and compliance certainty.

Legalcluster simplifies, secures and accelerates, any legal & compliance process by at least 75% to increase business efficiency and compliance at the same pace, and enhances instant centralization and consolidation of related data, at scale, to improve governance, risk management, auditability and legal business intelligence.

Unlike manual ad hoc, time-consuming processes managed by email and spreadsheets, or old fashion expert systems designed as pure back-office solution for legal professional only, creating data silos and poor ROI, (when not breaking business value…) our product:

  • facilitates communication and collaboration between legal & compliance department team members and businesspeople
  • offers an integrated, modular, configurable, collaborative platform with a second to none UX and deep legal and compliance matters coverage.