Link Retail Video Analytics

Link Retail AS

Link Retail Video Analytics

Link Retail AS

Link Retail Platform includes people counting, shopper flow and queue management apps for retailers

Link Retail Video Analytics Platform offers the pioneering video analytic apps for brick-and-mortar retailers. Existing CCTV infrastructure in retail stores can be swiftly integrated with Link Retail Cloud. The platform includes four main analytic apps including people counter, store occupancy monitoring, shopper flow and queue management.

1. Link Counter:

Link Counter is not yet another door counter! In fact, it is much more with its unique analytic skills. It is developed for the most challenging retail environment scenarios. Link Counter's innovative features are proved at more than 5000 distinct installation sites. The purpose of people counters is not the counting itself. The most important thing is what you can do with the results from the counting. We focused on the final value delivered to our customers and ended up with the World’s most handy people counting solution.

2. Link Occupancy:

Link Retail Occupancy app provides real-time metrics essential for occupancy management of indoor environments. The metrics include number of people inside, average visiting time and total visitors. Occupancy app is installed as an add-on to Link Counters. It monitors the counters at the entrances of the site and detects the number of people inside in real-time. The occupancy rate figures can be reflected on the digital signage screens. In addition, the real-time data is available through Link mobile and web apps.

3. Link Shopper Flow:

Link shopper flow solution is a powerful & popular tool used by retailers and retail researchers for understanding in-store shopper behavior. The basic idea behind Link shopper flow analytic is to utilize existing in-store CCTV cameras. Then an intelligent software analyzes in-store footage to find out summaries of shopper activities. The shopper flow system can detect and visualize in-store shopper activities with high accuracy thanks to its video processing based technology.

4. Link Queue:

Link Queue is an advanced queue analytic application that can analyze all aspects of shopper activities inside a pre-defined queue region. Additionally it can accurately predict queue density events by utilizing property AI algorithms. By this way Link Queue allows shop keepers to prevent high density formation in queues.