MagicOrange ITFM Edition

MagicOrange Limited United Kingdom

MagicOrange ITFM Edition

MagicOrange Limited United Kingdom

Gain insights into the drivers of profitability and cost through increased transparency

Are your IT teams tasked with finding duplicative or inefficient spend to reduce painful waste? Struggling to understand expenditures given multiple spreadsheets and other tracking tools?

MagicOrange provides executive teams with a unified and innovative approach to strategic financial planning. Operating at the convergence of ITFM, FinOps, and shared services, MagicOrange provides crystal-clear line of sight into expenses and cost-drivers. With clear line of sight comes indisputable traceability, accountability and the data necessary to drive profitability and investment decisions. Know your numbers.

Key Features:

  • Granular Cost and Profitability Analysis: MagicOrange unveils the underlying factors influencing both cost and profitability, enabling organizations to dissect their financial landscape with unparalleled precision.

  • Democratization of Insights: MagicOrange translates complex financial data into readily comprehensible visualizations, ensuring accessibility of critical information for all stakeholders, regardless of their financial expertise.

  • Cost Optimization Potential: MagicOrange facilitates the identification of areas ripe for cost reduction through a data-driven approach.

  • Scenario Simulation: The platform empowers users to conduct what-if analyses, simulating the financial ramifications of various business decisions on profitability and cost structures. This enables informed decision-making with a clear understanding of potential outcomes.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: By equipping users with accurate cost insights, MagicOrange empowers them to make strategic choices that maximize organizational profitability.

  • Value-Centric Conversation: MagicOrange fosters a shift in organizational discourse, transitioning from cost-centric discussions to a focus on value creation.

  • Increased Efficiency: The platform automates tedious manual processes associated with data management and spreadsheet manipulation, freeing up valuable time for in-depth analysis and strategic planning.

Solutions supported:

  • Profitability, Costing, and Chargebacks
  • Planning and Scenario Analysis
  • Cost to Serve
  • Carrying Cost
  • Service Catalog
  • Activity-Based Costing
  • Return on Marketing Investment

What our customers say:

"Hosted on Azure, MagicOrange Prism gives us the ability to make more informed business decisions, which ultimately, enhance profitability. That's most important in retail." - Specialist Consultant, SPAR.

“The MagicOrange team truly earned my trust, and nothing was ever a problem for them. That stands out for me in my 30 years of experience in the IT industry.” - Principal Architect Enterprise Applications, Exxaro.

About MagicOrange:

Operating at the convergence of ITFM, FinOps, and shared services, MagicOrange provides crystal-clear line of sight into expenses and cost-drivers. With clear line of sight comes indisputable traceability, accountability and the data necessary to drive profitability and investment decisions. Know your numbers.


  • Replaces multiple spreadsheets and other tracking tools with a scalable, powerful tool that tracks and allocates expenses
  • Identifies duplicative or inefficient spend to reduce painful waste
  • Unmasks the Bill of IT so IT Teams can drive accountability within the business line
  • Facilitates and measures the impact of digital transformation
  • Drives profitability and performance of key products and services

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