Pixel Mobile - Clinical Uploader

Medialogix Ltd

Pixel Mobile - Clinical Uploader

Medialogix Ltd

Provides an easy to use mobile interface for Clinical Photography within a healthcare environment.


The Clinical Uploader App enables users to collect all the necessary clinical data, consent, photographs and videoclips in one single package which is transferred securely to an organisation’s central FotoWare DAM system – it is that simple! 

There is an intuitive workflow process using familiar icons and menu systems. Jobs are comprised of four elements: 

  • General – to collect information relating to the job such as specialty, consultant & diagnosis 
  • Patient – to search for patient credentials which are validated via the hospital PAS system 
  • Consent – to document the patient’s consent to the intended use of the images 
  • Files – For capturing photographs and video clips 

Clinical photographs are such an integral part of healthcare and their use is widespread in disease & wound management, treatment planning and of course, are invaluable for education and research. 

Professionally qualified and registered clinical photographers are employed in many organisations to carry out this skilled and important work however there are many occasions and locations where photographs are time critical and the professionals are unavailable! 

Evenings and weekend photography cover is a particular challenge, as are community locations, acute A&E settings and safeguarding cases where waiting until the next day just isn’t possible.  

To help you with this, Medialogix have created the Clinical Uploader App to help you and your organisation by providing a simple and Information Governance compliant product to enable all authorised staff have a solution at their fingertips. 


  • Urgent and time critical theatre photography 
  • Out of hours clinical photography  
  • Community working 

  • Accident and Emergency 
  • Ambulance crew 
  • Business continuity in the event of staff shortages