InMate Needs Assessment System
Merp Systems Inc
InMate Needs Assessment System
Merp Systems Inc
InMate Needs Assessment System
Merp Systems Inc
Inmate Needs Assessment Case Management System built using Dynamics 365 and Power Apps Platform
InMate Needs Assessment System is a case management system helps in evaluating the substance abuse, mental health illness, and other assessment processes among the InMates and support in determining the appropriate welfare programs needed for each InMate based on the assessment results. This system also helps in tracking the program enrollment, participation, and completion with comprehensive reporting abilities.
Core features include:
- InMates screening process
- Score the screening results
- Establish risk and need levels for InMates based on screening scores
- Based on the risk and need levels, InMates are referred to one or more services/programs conducted by facilitators within the Case management System
- Allows the facilitators to create new service sessions, enroll InMates in sessions, and help track the attendance, participation, progress, and discharge information of every enrolled InMate for a particular service/program
- InMates are assessed for progress at the end of the program and next steps are established including case closure
Other salient features include:
- Tracking service participation and progress of InMates even after they have been released from jail
- Generate reports like the Screening Eligibility Report, Screening Summary Report, Service Completion Report, and InMate Summary Report
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