
Moonrise Software, LLC.


Moonrise Software, LLC.

Cosmos is a free, intuitive, high-performance CMS built for Azure.

Cosmos: The Free, User-Friendly, High-Performance CMS for Modern Websites

Cosmos is well-suited for content-rich, high-performance websites, offering a user-friendly platform for creating appealing content with straightforward administration. It serves as an excellent option compared to traditional CMSs, which often lack cloud-native features and demand extensive effort, expertise, and costs for maintenance and management.

Less expensive than many "headless" CMS systems, Cosmos delivers equal performance while being more user-friendly and easier to learn and administer.

Cosmos is free, with charges applying only for the resources you utilize on Azure. Running a basic installation of Cosmos typically costs just under $20 per month. Cosmos is available under the GNU GPL v3 license.

No Special Skills Required

Web developers, equipped with a basic understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, can create stunning websites and then delegate the task of content creation and management to non-technical users. These users can utilize tools similar to word processors to add and modify web pages.

Cloud-first Design

Cosmos is designed for the cloud, seamlessly leveraging the cloud's speed and security without the need for complex administration, numerous plug-ins, or modifications. Moreover, Cosmos inherently supports multi-region deployment to ensure redundancy.

Cosmos natively supports:

  • Azure CDN
  • Azure Front Door with WAF
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Azure Communication Services

Go to our Getting Started page to install Cosmos in your Azure Account. Free support is available via Email and our GitHub website.

Have questions? Contact us!