
Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

Collabtive is web-based project management software.

Collabtive is web-based project management software. The project was started in November 2007. It is open source software and provides an alternative to proprietary tools like Basecamp. Collabtive is written in PHP and JavaScript.

Collabtive is intended for small to medium-sized businesses and freelancers. We offer commercial services for installation and customization of Collabtive. It can also be installed on an internal server as well as in the cloud.

Collabtive offers time tracking, calendar, pdf reports, RSS feeds, email notification and new in its design and approach, compact in size unlike many project management tools that has lesser features, cost more and bloated in size.

All major browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera are supported.Collabtive is developed by a team of professional volunteers. Everyone involved is a pro in their respective areas, providing high quality contributions to the project.

Niles Partners is launching a product, which configured and publish collabtive, which is embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch VM on Azure that contains collabtive, Apache, MySQL, Linux, and PHP 7 (LAMP).

The current version of Collabtive allows management of unlimited projects at the same time. There are no limits on the milestones or tasks list or activity assigned to each project. Collabtive allows creation of any number of member profiles to make user management easier. Access is limited by permissions granted based on roles assigned to the member. Communication capabilities supported include instant messaging and offline messaging services. Collabtive has an effective time tracking system and file management system to make project organization and management easier.

Collabtive supports export of reports and notifications to PDF, Excel format for data processing. Reports are generated for time tracking and logs are generated for activities. RSS feeds are available for messaging and user profiles can be exported as vCards. Email notifications can be set to be sent out as required. Collabtive incorporates calendars synchronization through iCal task export functionality.

Collabtive is available in 35 languages with customizable themes and complete UTF8 support. Collabtive includes search functionality and tags assignment to implement time effective project management. Basecamp files can be imported into Collabtive to make migration easy and implement cross functionality.

Collabtive Features

These are the features the latest Collabtive version provides.

Core functionality

1. Unlimited projects, milestones, task lists, and tasks

2. Unlimited members with user profiles

3. Role-based permission management

4. Messaging

5. File management

6. Time tracking

Reporting and notifications

1. Timetracker reports, activity logs and messages in PDF format

2. Share user profiles as vCard

3. RSS feeds for messages and tasks

4. Synchronization of