Opeeka LLC


Opeeka LLC

P-CIS allows payors & providers to share records and track patient progress

P-CIS allows health care, behavioral/mental health, and social care providers to track patient progress and to share records

P-CIS enables value-based care for care teams serving people with complex medical, behavioral, and social needs. Early data suggests cost of care savings of $1000/patient per year. With models in peer-reviewed journals, Opeeka developed Success-Focused Artificial Intelligence (SF-AI) that identifies what works for whom.

With SSO integration, Opeeka unifies information across disconnected electronic data systems within and between providers, using AI to recognize patterns of success, reducing the cost of care in improving outcomes. P-CIS is data agnostic, adopting data types through no-code calibration for customers: individual care providers, networks of providers, payors, and health plans.

Think of P-CIS like this:
  • Instead of BI (business intelligence), it is a PI (patient intelligence), providing visualization for patient data
  • Instead of an AI, it is a SF-AI (success-focused AI), automated to recognize patterns of success
  • Instead of an HIE (health information exchange), it is a SB-HIE (social, behavioral, & health information exchange)
  • Instead of a data warehouse, it is a Data Globe (a data warehouse users can see into, like a snow globe) with a presentation layer displaying patient data
  • It is a plug-in with SSO integration for EHR/EMRs, providing efficiency via automated data collection, patient reported outcomes (PRO), paperwork, and data sharing

Problems Solved:
  • Staff overburdened with paperwork –> P-CIS reduces time spent on paperwork by half
  • Supervisors spending lots of time coaching/oversight –> P-CIS provides visual patient story maps & staff caseload complexity dashboards
  • Care org wants to use history of what has worked to identify the best care plans –> P-CIS uses SF-AI to recognize patterns of success for personalized care planning
  • Care org can’t evidence that care results in positive outcomes –> P-CIS provides evidence of successful outcomes & predictions of success
  • Care teams span across orgs can’t collaborate from a single source of truth –> P-CIS judiciously shares information between orgs, integrating with existing records, like a HIE, but as a SB-HIE
  • Org want transparency into whole person, value-based outcomes –> P-CIS joins information across orgs to show people’s journey; accountability orgs can have more visibility
  • Data collection is a burden –> P-CIS automates data collection by scheduling text/email for one-click data from mobile devices
  • Data reporting is a burden –> Opeeka performs data reporting to authorities, avoiding inefficiency & dual entry
  • Program evaluation happens too late –> P-CIS provides real-time program evaluation
  • Org is changing EHR/EMR vendors and doesn’t know what to do with historic data –> P-CIS Data Globe is a data warehouse that users can see into, like a snow globe; architecture is built & ready to ingest & display patient data with no-code