WebLogic on Kubernetes

Oracle America, Inc.

(65 ratings)

WebLogic on Kubernetes

Oracle America, Inc.

(65 ratings)

Provisions an Oracle WebLogic Server dynamic cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service

Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) is an industry-leading Java runtime powering some of the most mission-critical enterprise applications across the globe. This solution automates most boilerplate steps to provision WLS on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. Once initial provisioning is complete, you are completely free to customize deployments further. The solution is jointly developed by Oracle and Microsoft.

The solution supports WLS Enterprise Edition, and

The following resources are automatically provisioned by the offer.

  • AKS cluster (alternatively, you can deploy to an existing AKS cluster)
  • Azure Container Registry (ACR) instance (alternatively, you can use an existing ACR instance)
  • WebLogic dynamic cluster with specified number of Managed Servers
  • Admin Server
  • WebLogic Domain
  • WebLogic Kubernetes Operator
  • Choice of Azure Application Gateway or AKS standard load balancer
  • Custom application deployment using domain home in image - optional
  • Configured data source connection (Oracle DB, Azure SQL, Azure MySQL, Azure PostgreSQL) - optional
  • Azure Container Insights and workspace monitoring WLS on AKS - optional
  • Azure File share named weblogic mounted to /shared as Persistent Volume - optional
  • Virtual network and subnet
  • Azure Storage Account

This offer is Bring-Your-Own-License. It assumes you have already procured the appropriate licenses with Oracle and are properly licensed to run offers in Microsoft Azure.

Oracle and Microsoft also provide basic step-by-step instructions on getting started with WLS and AKS without automated provisioning.

Oracle and Microsoft provide similar solutions targeting WLS on Azure VMs (single instance or cluster). These options are linked in the Learn more section below.

You can reach out to the engineering team developing these offers by clicking the CONTACT ME button on the marketplace WebLogic on Azure overview page. Program managers, architects and engineers will get in touch and can assist you for free with your Azure migration.