Paste Framework


Paste Framework


Version 3.10.1 + Free Support on Ubuntu 24.04

The Paste framework is a lightweight, flexible web framework for building Python-based web applications. It provides developers with a set of utilities and tools that allow for the creation of scalable, maintainable web services. Known for its middleware support and extensibility, Paste is often used as a foundation for other web frameworks or in environments requiring highly customizable request/response handling and other web services.

Features of Paste Framework:

  • Provides a highly flexible middleware system for custom request and response handling.
  • Supports integration with a variety of web servers, providing scalability for different types of applications.
  • Offers utilities for routing, templating, and authentication, making it easier to build full-featured web applications.
  • Lightweight and minimalistic, allowing for high customization and control over your web application.
  • Open-source, with an active community ensuring continued development, bug fixes, and updates.

To check the version of the Paste framework, run: $ source myenv/bin/activate $ pip show paste on your VM.

Disclaimer: The Paste framework is open-source software released under the MIT License. It is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any other company. The Paste framework is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users utilize this software at their own risk. The developers and contributors to Paste hold no responsibility for any damages, losses, or consequences resulting from the use of this software. Users are advised to carefully review and comply with licensing terms and any applicable regulations while using Paste.