Pexip CVI self-hosted
Pexip CVI self-hosted
Pexip CVI self-hosted
Pexip Cloud Video Interop enables third-party VTC solutions to join Microsoft Teams meetings
Pexip Cloud Video Interop (CVI) is certified for Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business, allowing third-party video teleconferencing systems (VTC) to join Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business meetings. It enables users to benefit from the full Microsoft experience - including content sharing and collaboration.
Pexip CVI is created for organizations that already have existing investments in traditional VTC equipment. They can benefit from CVI as it enables an effortless transition to Microsoft Teams and simplifies and speeds up migration from Skype for Business. Besides, Pexip can take on multiple third-party VTC infrastructure workloads such as device registration and firewall traversal, greatly simplifying the organization’s enterprise communications infrastructure. Pexip CVI is available as a dedicated cloud enterprise application now, and as a SaaS solution from Q2 2019.