



Business process management, workflow and DMS, including archive.

V-Desk is an enterprise solution delivering the three complementary and integrated modules, i.e.electronic archive, business process management and document workflow. System is a scalable and open solution, allowing the implementation of an unlimited number of document types and workflows. The volume of processed documents and the number of V-Desk accounts are unlimited. The solution offers independent and unaided management, including modification of existing processes and definition of new ones.

Solution allows access via web browsers, via mobile browsers (the application of RWD approach), and via mobile apps for Windows Phone, Android, iOS.

Time saving

Reduction of processing time and document transfer in the company and reduction of employee errors by 43%

Lowering costs

Corporate costs related to archiving, administration and processing of documents are reduced by 23%

Performance increase

Immediate increase in productivity due to faster document circulation between departments and employees of the company by 36%

Security guarantee

V-Desk increases the security of your company's documents and data by 86%

Mobile app:

• remote access to your V-Desk calendar with always up-to-date tasks

• the ability to quickly register a document with attachments in V-Desk system

• the ability to perform defined tasks within a given process, including acceptance and transfer of a document, rejection of a document

• efficient search and preview of documents and attachments with the possibility of displaying detailed information about them

• sorting and filtering tasks

• access to the document archive

• access to reports, favorite documents, handheld documents


"It is a pleasure to confirm that as a result of our cooperation Baxter has been provided with the electronic system to facilitate circulation of invoice documents in its international business environment. We expected and received a full automation of document processing within a month which was a crucial element for the stability of the business. With the electronic workflow the company has received more rapid and effective processing of documents, full control of processes and the documents, quick and easy access to documents on each stage of their management, elimination of paper documents." - Peter Jericha IT Manager CZ, SK & SEE, BAXTER CZECH spol s r.o.

"The implementation of V-Desk offered by Primesoft Polska fully resolved the problem of document management in our organization by streamlining the document workflow.” – Andrei Chiru, Controlling Management, S.C. Dante International
