Secure Encrypted Mail
Compumatica secure networks international BV
Secure Encrypted Mail
Compumatica secure networks international BV
Secure Encrypted Mail
Compumatica secure networks international BV
A proven solution for e-mail encryption in every organisation and network!
Every organisation, even yours, runs the risk of falling victim to industrial espionage or data leakages when you or your colleagues communicate via email without encrypting the data.
When you send an e-mail it will pass through many servers across the world before it reaches the recipient. Along the way the e-mail can be captured, read, or even changed at any of those servers. As a result the information that is so critical to your organisation can fall into unauthorised hands (hackers, criminals, or competitors)
That's why everyday over a million users use Compumatica's secure encrypted mail solution (SEM) to protect their data when communicating by mail. Our solution is integrated in Office 365, supports four encryption protocols (S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF Mail & Webmail) and enables you to set-up encrypted mail communication even with recipients who do not have their own encryption keys.
Our customers range from small law firms with 50 users to multinationals with 25,000+ users. We also have healthcare organisations, government agencies and financial institutions among our clients.
Please get in touch to learn how Compumatica can help you to secure and encrypt your e-mail communication.