q-cloud, Queue management System

q-channel AB

q-cloud, Queue management System

q-channel AB

queue management by digital queue tickets in your mobilephone or by paper queue tickets

q-cloud is available in two versions, q-basic for only digital queue tickets and q-ticket for both paper queue tickets and digital queue tickets.

q-basic is a fully functional queue management system with up to 4 serving places and up to 4 queues.

Your customer can take a queue ticket via a QR-kod or in the q-cloud app where your queue system is to be find.

q-ticket is a fully functional queue management system with optional number of serving places and queues.

Your customer can take a paper queueticket or a digital queue ticket via QR-kod or in the q-cloud app where your queue system is to be find.

Hardware that you need is an iPad where you download the q-ticket app from AppStore, ond an USB-printer from Star Micronics for printing paper queuetickets. The printer will be conected to the iPad via USB cable.

If you need a tripod for the iPad and printer, you can find it here: SpacePole,

The q-manager app where you manage the queue system and where you can see the queues and feed forward queue numbers. If the customer does not have a smartphone, you can easily assign the customer a queue ticket in q-manager app.

q-manager app is used for both q-cloud and q-ticket queuesystem.

There is also an app, q-number, which can be downloaded to display the queue numbers that are displayed on an iPad. It is not necessary but can be used to clarify for customers which number is served.

q-cloud and q-manager are downloaded from GooglePlay and AppStore while q-number and q-ticket can only be downloaded from AppStore.