RPS .net/java app data protection in production
RPS .net/java app data protection in production
RPS .net/java app data protection in production
RPS for .net/java applications data protection in production environments
Protect confidential data sets of your .net /java applications production environment by calling our RPS integration components & RPS Protection server. RPS will dynamically capture and then transform confidential data in clear into encrypted, tokenized and/or pseudonymized values.
-Business applications users
-DB admins, super admins
-Application support users
Pain points solved
-Access in clear to your confidential data through the US Cloud Act by US authorities
-Database administrators, super administrators accessing your production
confidential data in clear when they operate DB’s
-Application support users accessing production confidential data in clear during
application support activities (Incident Management)
-Compliance with GDPR and Swiss regulations
-Compliance with banking
regulations related to Client Identifying Data: FINMA,ECB
Value proposition:
-Segregation of duty between Microsoft functional services (Azure Hosting for production applications) & security-compliance services provided by a third party Trusted platform (RPS) fully managed by you.
-Dynamic Data protection and deprotection fully in line with Application business logic, rules and contexts - for authorized users only.
-2 Clicks to benefit from Audit evidences
related to .net/Java applications in production protected by RPS. Drastically shorten the time to gather information that all regulated data are
effectively protected (during audit phases by internal/external auditors/regulators).
Unique Selling
-Rich encryption and tokenization,
pseudonymization libraries > 50 techniques preserving usability for business
users: Read, change, search, query, compute, filter, ... and performance: 15ms
latency per field in average.
-All the protection configurations per field and or per file can be reused for multiple .net/java applications in production via our RPS Configuration module.