



Safe time and achieve more control, flexibility and information in the Time Management

Description of the offering

VisualTime Workforce Time Management is the solution to manage the company staff time, attendance in a fast, efficient and 100% automated manner. It is a comprehensive 100% web solution that will enable you get the real-time information needed to manage the company human resources with great efforts savings, reducing costs and with a rapid return on investment. You will know at any time reliable information about all incidences taking place in the calendar planning -absences, delays, over-times…- and you will be able to link the data with your payroll program. All that with just one goal: to automate the time and attendance control, and make calendars much more flexible to be able to optimize them according to the company working needs.

User type

Our software gives adequate solutions for all types of companies, from SMEs to big companies .

The Time Management, a great solution for times, productivity and costs

VisualTime is not only the most innovation software, for the time management staff. Theirs multiples features can offer turn control, access, monitoring of conventions, management on holiday, management proactive of absence,..

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“This application is available in english and spanish"