CoreSuite for Life & Pensions


CoreSuite for Life & Pensions


CoreSuite L&P System for the Life Insurance Industry

CoreSuite is a full insurance platform for Life and Pension. Sapiens offers a modern, digital insurance platform. With the ability to deploy its offerings as a complete platform, or as standalone modules, Sapiens can address life providers’ needs across all their lines of business and distribution channels. Our mature platform is cloud and API-based, and features a strong core and advanced analytics, as well as data enablement and full digital engagement capabilities. BUSINESS BENEFITS One single platform simplifies complex management processes and offers an intuitive user experience, empowering self-sufficient business users to manage their business for increased customer engagement and satisfaction 360-degree view of the customer from their policy administration system, across all distribution channels and communication streams enables carriers to provide customer-centric service and increased efficiencies Data-driven decision-making resulting from the integration between Sapiens CoreSuite for Life & Annuities, our advanced analytics solution and data warehouse enables carriers to unlock their silos of information and provide self-service business intelligence to increase relevant offerings to their customers Operational cost savings and greater efficiency, and reduced total cost of ownership for life carriers, result from our unique conversion approach, which lessens the risk involved in migrating from existing legacy systems