Sensiple's Managed Services

Sensiple Inc

Sensiple's Managed Services

Sensiple Inc

Simplify IT, Amplify Success.

Managed Services Support

Welcome to Sensiple's marketplace offerings, tailored to provide comprehensive managed services support for your IT infrastructure. Our services are designed to ensure your operations are robust, secure, and optimized for performance. Choose from our range of service tiers to meet your specific needs, whether you require basic support or full management of your cloud and IT environment.

Service Tiers

Professional Tier

  • Designed for customers needing cloud architect expertise for design and issue resolution.
  • Includes a designated Technical Account Manager.
  • Annual Cloud Architecture Reviews to ensure best practices are followed.

Managed Tier

  • Ideal for customers preferring Sensiple to manage and operate their cloud environment.
  • Includes all features of the Professional service level.
  • Comprehensive support and management for designated operating systems.
  • Onboarding program to define a list of runbooks.
  • Best practice configuration of Azure services.
  • Patch management for designated operating systems.
  • Monitoring with automated alerts based on system events and defined metric criteria.
  • Deployment of new infrastructure based on agreed upon customer service runbooks.

Managed Services Capabilities

Compute Management

  • Support for Virtual Machines and VDI.
  • Windows and Linux OS support including OS hardening and image management.
  • Software and application deployment and management.
  • Continuous performance monitoring and improvement.
  • Containers and Kubernetes cluster support.
  • OS level security support.

Digital Workplace

  • Office 365 and other collaboration tools support (Mailbox, Teams, Office apps management).
  • Intune, SCCM, and other IAAC support.
  • Desktop and workplace security and patch management.
  • M365 Governance and Compliance rollouts.


  • Storage provisioning (Blob, File, Table storage, etc.).
  • Backup and site recovery.
  • Storage encryption and management.


  • Network Managed Services.
  • Network security.
  • Communication networks (LAN, etc.).
  • Configuration and management of WAF, Subnet, ACL, NSG, Load balancers, and Application Gateway.
  • Management of Defender/SIEM.
  • Azure ExpressRoute and VPN Gateway configurations.

Cloud and Infrastructure Security

  • Automation of native security and network security groups.
  • Streamlining cloud security operations.
  • IPS, Firewall, and Antivirus support.
  • Workload monitoring and dashboards.

Identity and Access Management

  • Azure Active Directory support.
  • Users/Group management.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
  • MFA/Conditional Access.
  • Support for Single Sign-On implementations.
  • Single and multi-tenant management.

Data Storage

  • Management and provisioning of different storage options.
  • Data security and encryption.
  • Azure data platform solutions (SQL DB, Cosmos DB, ADF, etc.).
  • Data warehouse provisioning and management.

Datacenter Management

  • Management of datacenter and on-prem servers.
  • Desktops and mobile services.
  • Endpoint device management.
  • Network devices like switches and routers.

Enterprise Solutions Management

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
  • Business Intelligence.
  • ITSM tool management.
  • Project management applications.

Software Development Infrastructure

  • Development and testing environments.
  • CI/CD pipelines management.

Azure Billing and Compliance

  • Comprehensive Azure billing support.
  • Microsoft Azure billing management.
  • Compliance review of Azure services to ensure adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Why Choose Sensiple?

Sensiple offers a range of managed services tailored to meet the unique needs of your IT infrastructure. With our expertise and dedicated support, you can ensure your IT operations are efficient, secure, and aligned with best practices. Explore our marketplace offerings and select the tier that best suits your organization's needs. Let us help you achieve operational excellence and drive your business forward.