StealthMail Email Security


StealthMail Email Security


StealthMail makes your emails secure and invisible to email relays, hackers or Public Internet


StealthMail gives you full and exclusive control over your encryption keys, data, and access rights. So that your email communication is fully protected.

To start using StealthMail no integration is needed. No risks for existing IT infrastructure. The whole deployment takes less than 4 hours. Users get Outlook Add-in and the server is deployed to Microsoft Azure Cloud.


Email is a leading form of business communication that is moving to the cloud and faces a number of problems:

  • Email protocol weaknesses - Email protocol (SMTP) prescribes to send emails in a plain text (RFC 3207) which makes it easy for criminals to read, collect and alter them.

  • No real encryption - Most email security solutions offers only HTTPS, SSL/TLS channel security to the email server, the rest trip via 3rd party email relays are not protected.

  • Public Internet - Emails are sent via 3rd party email relays, which are often untrusted and unsecure.

  • Human error - Employees and management errors, intended or not, create nearly unlimited risks of data breaches.

  • Legal compliance - GDPR, SOX, GLBA and other regulations require information protection and impose significant penalties.

  • Security keys ownership - Owning clients encryption keys, service providers have complete access to all of their sensitive information.


STEALTHMAIL is based on independent modular system that offers flexibility, which allows removing negative perception blockers. It includes a true end-to-end encryption, where security keys are generated and stored on the user’s side.

Moreover, only the user owns the keys and decides where to store his email content (on company’s local servers, in the cloud or in the STEALTHMAIL storage).

Encryption process goes on the user’s side as well. It means that data leaves the user’s side already secured by advanced encryption algorithms.

  • Exclude Email content and attachments from transferring via Email by SMTP.

  • Manage access rights to the Email content and attachments, allow to revoke Emails or any data.

  • Encrypt Email content and attachments separately. Transfer and store data encrypted.

  • Check user identity and apply company’s policies on executed actions.