
Aurora for Street Works Promoters

Symology Ltd

Aurora for Street Works Promoters

Symology Ltd

Symology's Aurora offers comprehensive tools to record and manage Street Works permitting.

Aurora offers comprehensive facilities for Works Promoters to create and manage works through their lifecycle, whether they’re part of a five year forward plan, immediate works or planned works.

Create works easily and quickly using Aurora’s streamlined intuitive interface, where pre-defined works templates can auto-populate works details, including contacts and conditions, further streamlining the process.

Coordination and collaboration is at the forefront of Street Works to minimise occupancy of the network and improve journey times. Aurora increases Works Promoter participation in coordination from the initial creation through identification of potential conflicts with own works, in addition to other Promoter works from Street Manager. Having all works, including Street Manager works, on Aurora’s mapping, differentiated by standardised symbology, immediately enables identification of conflicts or potential collaboration opportunities prior to confirmation.

Timely management of works through the lifecycle is paramount and efficient methods of recording information have been incorporated within Aurora. Aurora can also replicate activities as draft future works, internally visible, providing Works Promoters with the maximum amount of time to coordinate their own works.

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