Synack's Azure Cloud Security Testing Bundle

Synack, inc.

Synack's Azure Cloud Security Testing Bundle

Synack, inc.

Accelerate And Secure Workload Migrations To The Cloud

Synack's Cloud Security Testing Bundle is a suit of services designed to help you Secure and Accelerate your workload migration efforts to the cloud. Our services are aligned with the "Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework", a widely recommended and used methodology for cloud migrations that provides guidance to help prepare for and execute workload migration efforts smoothly. Ensuring that workloads are secure and free from vulnerabilities both before and after migration is a critical component of these efforts and Synack helps provide you with the assurance and confidence.

Synack’s suite of security testing options can be applied at each of the four stages, helping customer confidence and accelerating their workload migration to the cloud. Customers have seen workload migration times accelerate by up to 20% when wrapping Synack’s cloud security testing into their migration approach.


Before planning individual workload migrations, you must ready your organization and cloud resources to support the migration. An Azure landing zone is an environment that follows key design principles across eight design areas, including security. The security design principle specifies adherence to the Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark (MCSB), a set of security controls and services recommendations.

Synack's Cloud Security Testing Bundle verifies adherence to MCSB. Synack’s "Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark" missions are used to test the landing zone for adequate protections, then leverage Microsoft Azure Security Controls to update and protect the environment.
Assess Workloads

In the assess phase, you evaluate the readiness of your workload(s) and plan for the migrated state. An occasionally overlooked component of this evaluation is Penetration Testing of the workload to check for vulnerabilities that may be exploitable when exposed to the cloud attack surface. For example, you should test application workloads for critical authentication and authorization schema bypass issues, and then tune AzureMFA and EntraID controls based on those test findings.

Synack's Cloud Security Testing Bundle is used to evaluate the security, health and readiness of an application workload pre-migration. The customer receives a detailed report of exploitable vulnerabilities found on pre-migration workload assets, as well as recommendations to close security gaps.


An important component of this stage of the Cloud Adoption Framework is to remediate workload assets for security incompatibilities identified during the assessment. In this phase you test for configuration and deployment management issues to minimize risk exposure and then quickly mitigate vulnerabilities using Azure Defender for Cloud.

Synack's Cloud Security Testing Bundle includes patch verification services to re-test workloads, confirming that workload exploitable vulnerabilities have been successfully remediated.


This phase guides you through releasing your deployed workloads to production use. It is important to re-test and verify that the workloads remain secure after exposure to production use.

Synack's Cloud Security Testing Bundle allows for re-testing of application workloads post migration to identify any inconsistencies or vulnerabilities that may have surfaced as a result of migration or as development operations teams are running sprint cycles and pushing software updates. Synack services may also be used to monitor and regularly re-test workloads for exposure to new exploitable cyber vulnerabilities present in the wild, such as clickjacking and SQL injection. Customers also have the option to integrate vulnerability findings into Microsoft Sentinel, Azure DevOps and Microsoft Defender for Cloud for efficient handling by their security operations team processes.