An EMR that replicates paper


An EMR that replicates paper


"When you add clinical intelligence to Google forms, you get Clinicea." All-in-one clinic management

Clinicea converts papers-forms into a customized EMR. The way it works is that you, first create the data inputs you need to capture OR you simply select from an existing list. Each data input is classified based on its clinical significance. What this means is that when you create a single intake form, with questions on past medical history, vitals, chief complaints, observations and so forth - once you save the answers from the patient - an intelligent engine kicks in. Clinicea's emr engine will compile the answers to create an ongoing medical summary of the patient with graphs, aggregated observations and important markers.

How does Clinicea do this? Unlike form builders like Typeform, Google forms and so forth , in Clinicea, the data input is not read as plain text. it is read in clinical context. So you may enter all of the data on a single screen in Clinicea, just as you write on paper i.e. you input cc, RoS, Rx, Investigations, some Vitals, throw it all on a single sheet of paper/screen. But Clinicea will scan it through and will understand context for each input you provided.

For example, Clinicea understands that a "weight", needs to be quantified, then tracked across visits, and compared to weight loss goals that have been set for this patient. It then displays this too in the patient's auto compiled medical summary as a easy to understand graph. If this sounds too good to be true, just get in touch for a live demo. Clinicea is already in use by 20+ specialties across 5 continents.

Ofcourse there's lots more to Clinicea. You can do video calls from inside a patient’s chart. Deploy virtual assistants to get questionnaires filled, get consents e-signed. Start 24x7 engagement with online Bookings, portals, auto-Invoicing & more.