Tide Foundation
Tide Foundation
Tide Foundation
TideCloak is an Identity, Immunity & Access Management System that turns the inevitable breach of a system from a catastrophe into a nonissue
Existing Identity & Access Management Systems (IAM) play a central and critical role in securing access to an organization’s systems and resources. However, because of the central guardian role that the IAM plays, when it is breached or an administrator is compromised by an adversary, they gain God-like authority over all systems and resources, undetected – rendering existing cybersecurity measures useless.
TideCloak fulfils the role of existing Identity systems, but with the guarantee that even in a “highest privilege” breach the systems and resources of the organization remain secure and out of reach.
This is only made possible using Tide’s Cybersecurity Fabric, a network service that locks sensitive data, identities, and access rights behind keys no-one will ever hold – keys no-one can steal, lose or misuse. This ground-breaking capability is powered by Tide’s fundamental breakthrough in cryptography lab tested by multiple tier-1 universities, global bodies and scientific awards.
TideCloak’s feature set
TideCloak is a fully featured, enterprise grade Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Single-Sign-On (SSO) system offering:
• End-to-end user and resource management.
• Standard compliant authentication and authorization.
• Single-Sign-On (SSO) capability to manage a user’s access with a single account across all organization systems.
• Simple integration.
• Scalable and high availability architecture.
• Administration, reporting and analytics.