Trūata Calibrate


Trūata Calibrate


Measure and mitigate data privacy risks at speed and at a scale

Trūata Calibrate is a privacy-enhancing software solution that allows organizations to measure and objectively quantify data privacy risks within their own data environment.

Key Features:

  • Automated and comprehensive risk-scoring assessment
  • Highlights personal data as defined by GDPR and CCPA in the form of direct and indirect identifiers
  • Transforms data to make it safer to use based on the context of the business scenario
  • Provides data utility impact analysis for recommended mitigation actions

X-ray your customer data

Many organizations are lacking clarity and confidence in understanding what personal data exists within their data set and how they can use it safely for a range of business purposes. This often leads to data paralysis when organizations try to navigate the use of personal data for analytics and other commercial purposes.

When organizations cannot quantify the privacy risks in their data, they cannot determine what de-identification steps to take to achieve the correct balance between data utility and data privacy.

Trūata Calibrate provides an extensive scoring and vulnerability analysis to highlight data attributes that could be used to single out an individual even when the data set has some level of de-identification.

Trūata Calibrate provides guidance on the de-identification actions needed to make the data safe to use and to share. It then conducts targeted de-identification actions to transform the data. An assessment of the risk reduction is provided to allow the user to take informed actions on how that data is used and shared.