Trustle Security

Trustle, Inc.

Trustle Security

Trustle, Inc.

Automate Just-In-Time (JIT) access and surface identity risks across all cloud environments.

Offer Description

Across all cloud providers, resources, and users, Trustle helps organizations reduce their identity attack surface, and gain visibility into who has access to which resources, groups, licenses, and applications – how they got them, if they are being used, and what risk they carry.

Trustle helps security teams identify access and utilization patterns, and ensure all user accounts are accounted for (not-orphaned), and kept at zero-standing access until least privileged, just-in-time access to Licenses, Distribution Lists, Teams, Sharepoint Sites, OneDrive Folders, Security Groups, M365 features, and applications is needed.

Who This is For

Many companies’ users are over-provisioned and/or always-provisioned, and do not implement a mechanism to track or auto-revoke privileged access.

This is a big problem… and Trustle helps enterprises solve it.

Trustle is built for companies that use Azure, Entra ID, and M365 alone, or in combination with other IDP and Cloud Providers including Okta, Google Workspace, GCP, and AWS. Trustle empowers security teams to better manage and audit their users’ access to Licenses, Distribution Lists, Teams, Sharepoint Sites, OneDrive Folders, Security Groups, M365 features, and applications.


  • Identify Unused & Orphaned Accounts and Licenses: Employees and contractors come and go, and with them, their forgotten, unused, or orphaned accounts and licenses expose a huge financial and security concern. Trustle helps identify these concerns, and gives you the option of deprovisioning, or removing them altogether.

  • Optimize License and Feature Utilization: It's easy to assign access and licenses, but it's not easy to understand their utilization. Trustle makes it easy to see usage patterns and trends for any given Azure or M365 license type, by user, by title, by department, and by project. This helps ensure licenses are in the hands of the users who actually need and use them, increasing productivity, and helping your organization save money on IT chargebacks.

  • Guest Account Analysis: Microsoft enables you to invite and provide access to guests for your M365 resources. Trustle helps you identify guest accounts; who they are, and what content they have access to.

  • Access Audit Logs: Knowing how a user got access to content, a resource, or permission is critical for compliance and forensics purposes. Trustle maintains detailed access logs and audit trails, ensuring you’ll always know who got what, when, why, and who approved it.

  • Eradicate always standing access with JIT: Always standing access is an unnecessary security risk. Trustle provides your users with self-service, least-privileged, JIT access.

  • Spotlight Shadow IT License Trials: Organizations may choose to trial instead of purchase a license to test new features, or temporarily gain additional licenses. Trustle helps you gain visibility into which users in your organization are trialing, and for what, to help reign in unauthorized license and feature use, as well as optimizing license seat costs.