We4Support - Support ticketing app

UB Technology Innovations, Inc.

We4Support - Support ticketing app

UB Technology Innovations, Inc.

We4Support app enables professionals to raise their support requests in an organized manner

We4Support application enables various professionals under different sections in the organization to raise their support requests in an organized manner.  The efficient tracking mechanism of the requests provide control and information to the managers enabling the requests to be addressed quickly along with the timely notifications for every action which makes it easier to prioritize and resolve requests and keep the requester informed of the progress.

 We4Support app provides users a multi-device compatible access to reach the support personnel with their requests along with detailed descriptions including the priority indicators. App provides email notifications for every action of the request right from raising the request till resolving it which greatly helps in addressing the ticket as early as possible and enables support personnel to perceive and identify the solution even before addressing.

The total ticket ownership is addressed with insightful dashboards indicating status of the ticket along with filters to identify deeper. Common insights that pick out key areas of support requests and longer support time tickets can be identified. Managers can also measure and track the hours worked on each ticket and reassigning tickets. Power BI reports assist the management in analyzing the status of each ticket in multiple dimensions. Also, the Turnaround time (TAT) helps in optimizing the ticket handling efficiency across the support personnel. 

Key Features & Benefits:

  • User Authorization in accessing the modules
  • Automated email notifications for every event progress
  • Insightful dashboard on handled and queued tickets
  • One-click approval by managers on functional requests
  • Users are entitled to specify timeline and priority for each ticket
  • Out of scope tickets can be rerouted within support personnel on a transparent process
  • Tracking features for the support personnel to update their action and completion percentage
  • History of actions taken can be viewed in event tracker
  • Interactive filters and dashboard give an ease to support personnel in identifying, sorting and prioritizing tickets
  • Power BI reports on ticket status insights to optimize the process
  • Perceive the issue and come up with a solution even before addressing it, while common issues are addressed