BlueDolphin by ValueBlue
ValueBlue BV
BlueDolphin by ValueBlue
ValueBlue BV
BlueDolphin by ValueBlue
ValueBlue BV
BlueDolphin helps CIOs & Enterprise Architects plan, manage and collaborate on their transformation.
BlueDolphin offers you beautiful architectural design capabilities, powered by one central and repository: BlueDolphin fully supports Archimate® and BPMN — so everyone can plan, design, and manage transformation solutions in their own language.Capture, manage, and utilize all your architecture objects and their relationships on one intelligent platform.
Map and visualize your organization's goals and business capabilities in ways that every stakeholder can understand. Create your own designs, or get kickstarted with one of BlueDolphin's many architecture templates.
Instantly assess what apps, data, processes, and technology are impacted throughout your transformation, and make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.
Direct the business based on strategic goals
Use out-of-the-box solution templates
Develop integrated architecture solutions for agile teams
Offer 'just enough' architecture by balancing policies with flexibility
Get the insights you need to guide transformation solution planning
Integrate modeling languages for every stakeholder
Re-use, recycle, automate, and duplicate data with continuous maintenance
Get one single source of truth for apps, business processes, data, and technology
Focus on ever-improving, iterative, continuous, and agile transformation