FLEXharvester STORM District Energy Controller


FLEXharvester STORM District Energy Controller


Optimizing district heat production by using the thermal mass of all buildings for demand response

VITO/EnergyVille is the leading European Research center in the world of Energy transition. Thanks to our close collaboration with the academic world as well as with the industry, we are able to invent and develop new technologies that help the industry to optimize their products and services.
By integrating our VITO/EnergyVille intelligent algorithm technology for district heat networks on peak shaving into a ready to use platform concept (FLEXharvester) we offer solution providers, energy management integrators, heat network operators or heat network integrators the missing building block to maximize the flexibility in yours or your customers heat networks. It can run in SaaS mode for pilots or it can be integrated into any heat network management solution. 
The FLEXharvester including the STORM District Energy Controller application is an innovative platform for unlocking the value of energy flexibility in smart districts and cities. The platform is based on a ready to use configurator, a data and reporting engine, self-learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. 
With FLEXharvester including the STORM District Energy Controller you get the best performing demand response application for optimizing heat production in a district heat network. It should run on any smart city or district heat network.  By using the terminal mass of the largest buildings in the heat network, it brings down your energy demand and production peaks and reduces operational costs. In several demonstration sites in Europe a 11.000 tons/year reduction in CO2 was reached. The solution has the ambition to decrease the use of fossil fuels in heat networks with 10 to 20% and to increase the use of excess heat and renewable energy sources

This platform has been developed in such a way that it can be rapidly deployed by solution providers, heating network operators, energy management companies and energy integrators. It enhances your project with flexibility and demand response capabilities without the need of developing an own platform and algorithm. FLEXharvester including the STORM District Energy Controller has been built based on several years of research and experience on heat networks in the Netherlands and Sweden. 

With FLEXharvester you get ; 
  • Configurator portals in which you can configure your production, heat networks and buildings parameters 
  • An open interface to connect to heat sensors , heat controlling equipment or building management systems.
  • A data lake per project for storing and reporting data
  • A heat forecasting, building control and peak shaving self learning algorithm 
  • A simulator function to evaluate impact of changes to the network
  • Preconfigured reporting dashboards