
Wipro Legacy Modernization powered by Azure OpenAI

Wipro Ltd

Wipro Legacy Modernization powered by Azure OpenAI

Wipro Ltd

Legacy Modernization: SAS Code Conversion to Open-Source Platform, Powered by Azure OpenAI

About this solution:

Wipro's Legacy modernization tool powered by Azure OpenAI to convert SAS code into open-sources. With the tool, developers can easily convert SAS code into the corresponding versions in Python, Pyspark and R and can also perform a detailed analysis of the code for complexity. Tool helps to reduce the time and effort involved in manually converting SAS code into selected open-source code, allowing developers to focus on other tasks. The tool can also help to improve the accuracy and reliability of the converted code, which can benefit end-users. Additionally, it can help to reduce the development time for new ML solutions. We have leveraged MS Azure Open AI services, Azure blob storage, Azure App service, Azure ML Studio and Azure Analytic services and dashboards to built this solution.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Conversion: This tool provides automated conversion of SAS code into open-source languages such as Python, Pyspark and R. The code is automatically converted, making it easier for developers to quickly and easily move to open-source languages
  2. Analysis of SAS Code: This tool will analyze the SAS code and obtain metrics that include the total number of lines, the number of SAS syntaxes, the number of comment lines, the number of blank lines, the number of executable lines, the number of macro and function variables, the number of datasets, and the number of PROCs used
  3. Quality Assurance: The code-conversion tool provides quality assurance, ensuring that the code is converted accurately and completely. The tool also checks syntax and logic errors in the original SAS code and converts them into the correct syntax in the target language
  4. Comprehensive Syntax Support: The code-conversion tool supports a comprehensive set of SAS syntax, including data steps, procedures and functions, and allows for easy conversion of code to the target language
  5. Debugging: The tool should be able to debug the converted code and provide the necessary feedback
  6. Easy to Use Interface: The tool provides an easy-to-use interface that allows developers to quickly and easily convert code from SAS to open-source languages. The tool also supports a variety of input formats, making it easy for developers to get started with the conversion process
  7. Comprehensive Documentation: The code-conversion tool also provides comprehensive documentation that explains the conversion process, as well as best practices for using the tool. This makes it easy for developers to understand the conversion process and ensures that they can make the most of the tool

Why Wipro as a AI Partner?

  1. Consulting services: Wipro can provide consulting services to help your business understand the potential of generative AI and how to leverage it to improve your operations. This can include identifying opportunities for automation and efficiency gains, as well as providing guidance on ethical and regulatory considerations
  2. Solution development: Wipro can work with Microsoft to develop custom solutions that leverage the capabilities of generative AI models, such as Azure OpenAI. This can include integrating the API into existing products and services, as well as building new products and services from zero
  3. Data and analytics: Wipro can help your business to leverage your data to train and fine-tune generative AI models, as well as provide analytics services to understand the performance of the models and extract insights from the generated data
  4. Cloud migration and deployment: Wipro can help your business to migrate your existing systems and applications to the Azure cloud platform, which is the platform where Microsoft's generative AI models are deployed, and to deploy and manage the generative AI models on Azure
  5. Support and maintenance: Wipro can provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that the generative AI models continue to perform optimally and to address any issues that may arise

Next steps: For more details on how this solution can help your organization, please feel free to connect with us!

Wipro Legacy Modernization powered by Azure OpenAI
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